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Demystifying Workplace Fashion

30 Mar

We may all say “not to judge a book by its cover,” but the truth is that appearance makes a big difference in the workplace.

Wrinkly slacks, that boho lace top, or a much-to0-short hemline can make the difference in whether someone hires you and invites you to the big kid’s table in the boardroom. Do you want to build a reputation based on your edgy fashion or your professional ability?

I beg you– please save your fashion freak flag for Friday night. Or get a job with a creative firm/ bar/ fashion designer that accepts your inner fashionista.

With that out of the way, let’s be real… professional dress code terms can be confusing! What is the difference between business professional and casual? What should you wear to an interview? Are jeans acceptable on casual Friday?

Each office has a different culture– some embrace creative fashion, while others are very conservative. Your first couple of weeks, it is best to play it safe and err on the side of more conservative dress. See what your co-workers wear (especially the ones who are respected and in leadership) and use their standard as your guide. Regardless the workplace culture, here are some general rules of thumb to guide your fashion choices:

Handy-Dandy Workplace Fashion Cheat Sheet

Dos and Donts Office Fashion

*Note: Business professional should always be worn for an interview.

Now that we’ve covered the dos, let’s look at some don’ts just for fun. Ain’t nobody gonna take you seriously in these get-ups:

DON’T: Anything from Snooki Couture (yes, this is a thing)

Ask yourself, What Would Snooki Wear? (WWSW), then don't wear that. Anything low cute, leather, garish animal print, or cleavage bearing is out.

Ask yourself, What Would Snooki Wear? (WWSW), then don’t wear that. Anything leather, garish animal print, or cleavage-bearing is out.

DON’T: Flip Flops (unless you work here)

Dalai Lama: the only guy that can get away with flip flops in the office.

Dalai Lama: the only guy that can get away with flip flops in the office.

DON’T: Bandage Dress (read: skin-tight tube dress)

Just don't. Ever.

Just don’t. Ever. Note: A blazer still does not make this acceptable outside of the club.
